Well, the first thing I notice here is that the path in your Content
Disposition Filter doesn't match the path to the DAM resource
(/content/dam/path/robots.txt vs /content/dam/michigan-lsa/admin/robots.txt)

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:33 AM Cris Rockwell <cmroc...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Thanks. Now I know that it can work even though it certainly not working
> for me! Here is the same style of test showing my robots path included w/
> sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths.
> curl -fs -u admin:admin '
> http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter.json
> '
> [{"pid":"org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter","title":"Apache
> Sling Content Disposition Filter","description":"Request filter adding
> Content Disposition header with value 'attachment' for certain
> paths\/content types. Independent of the configuration only resource paths
> are covered which contain a property named 'jcr:data' or
> 'jcr:content\\jcr:data'.","properties":{"sling.content.disposition.paths":{"name":"Included
> Resource Paths & Content
> Types","optional":false,"is_set":true,"type":1,"values":[""],"description":"These
> resource paths are covered by the filter. Each entry is of the form '<path>
> [ : <excluded content type> {,<excluded content type>} ]'. Invalid entries
> are logged and ignored. <path> must be an absolute path and may contain a
> wildcard ('*') at the end, to match every resource path with the given path
> prefix.
> (sling.content.disposition.paths)"},"sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths":{"name":"Excluded
> Resource
> Paths","optional":false,"is_set":true,"type":1,"values":["\/libs\/cq\/ui\/resources\/0.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/s7sdkclose.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/CarouselViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/eCatalogViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/BasicVideoViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/BasicZoomViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/ZoomViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/FlyoutViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/SpinViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/VideoViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/MixedMediaViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/InteractiveImage.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7viewers\/html5\/InteractiveVideoViewer.html","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/2.9\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/dev\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/2.10\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/2.11\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/etc\/clientlibs\/foundation\/shared\/endorsed\/swf\/slideshow.swf","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/3.0\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/3.1\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/etc\/dam\/viewers\/s7sdk\/3.2\/flash\/VideoPlayer.swf","\/content\/dam\/path\/robots.txt"],"description":"These
> resource paths are excluded from the filter. Each resource path must be
> given as absolute and fully qualified path. Prefix matching\/wildcards are
> not supported.
> (sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths)"},"sling.content.disposition.all.paths":{"name":"Enable
> For All Resource
> Paths","optional":false,"is_set":true,"type":11,"value":true,"description":"This
> flag controls whether to enable this filter for all paths, except for the
> excluded paths defined by sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths. Setting
> this to 'true' leads to ignoring 'sling.content.disposition.path'.
> (sling.content.disposition.all.paths)"}},"bundleLocation":"","bundle_location":null,"service_location":""}]%
> curl -vfs -u admin:admin http://localhost:4502/content/dam/path/robots.txt
> *   Trying ::1...
> * Connected to localhost (::1) port 4502 (#0)
> * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> > GET /content/dam/michigan-lsa/admin/robots.txt HTTP/1.1
> > Host: localhost:4502
> > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
> > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> > Accept: */*
> >
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Last-Modified: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 19:08:25 GMT
> < Content-Disposition: attachment
> < Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> < Content-Length: 25
> <
> User-agent: *
> * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
> Disallow: /%
> > On Feb 19, 2019, at 11:55 AM, Joey Smith <joeysm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Adding it to "Excluded Resource Paths" works correctly here for me:
> >
> > https://asciinema.org/a/RFi1kQyk4TCoaCoz5d1ss0o7b
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 7:28 AM Cris Rockwell <cmroc...@umich.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks for the reply, but the suggestion does not work. After repeatedly
> >> testing various values and configurations, I have found neither
> >> sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths or
> sling.content.disposition.paths
> >> do anything. Perhaps they won't work when
> >> sling.content.disposition.all.paths is true?
> >>
> >> The link was not useful as documentation since it points to the source,
> >> which define the configuration attribute names and descriptions. The
> names
> >> and descriptions are already obvious when opening the config via
> >> /system/console/configMgr
> >>
> >> Has anyone else successfully set either
> >> sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths or
> sling.content.disposition.paths
> >> in org.apache.sling.security version 1.1.12?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> On Feb 18, 2019, at 4:55 PM, Andres Bott <cont...@andresbott.com>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hey Chris
> >>>
> >>> I think defining an extension as part of the path would cause this not
> >> to work,
> >>> since the extension is not part of the requests path (your examples)
> >>>
> >>> as fas as I can remember, this should look more like:
> >>>
> >>> "/content/path/*:text/plain" this means apply the filter for every path
> >> bellow content/path except for requests to mime/type text requests.
> >>>
> >>> if you need to pinpoint to the robots txt, you could try:
> >> "/content/path/robots:text/plain"
> >>>
> >>> unfortunately the best documentation i found back when I had to deal
> >> with this was:
> >>
> https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-security/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/security/impl/ContentDispositionFilterConfiguration.java
> >>>
> >>> HTH
> >>>
> >>> Andres
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> El 2019-02-18 22:00, Cris Rockwell escribió:
> >>>> Hello Sling Users
> >>>> I am working on an upgrade and have found the changes to
> >>>> org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter present
> >>>> problems with rendering robots.txt (text/plain) from a location
> >>>> managed under the dam. After the upgrade it has the header
> >>>> Content-Disposition: attachment. As a result we have started seeing
> >>>> our testing URL’s in search results, which indicates the search-bots
> >>>> are not opening and reading
> >>>> org.apache.sling.security version 1.1.2      ContentDispositionFilter
> >> had a
> >>>> ranking of -2500 (txt file renders)
> >>>> org.apache.sling.security version 1.1.12     ContentDispositionFilter
> >> had
> >>>> a ranking of 25000 (txt file downloads)
> >>>> My attempts to configure Apache Sling Content Disposition Filter have
> >>>> failed. Adding the fully qualified path to "Excluded Resource Paths"
> >>>> does not work. My question related to the section titled "Included
> >>>> Resource Paths & Content Types.” There is a cryptic instruction copied
> >>>> below. What does this mean? Please provide en example specifying the
> >>>> path, excluded content types
> >>>>> These resource paths are covered by the filter. Each entry is of the
> >> form '<path> [ : <excluded content type> {,<excluded content type>} ]'.
> >> Invalid entries are logged and ignored. <path> must be an absolute path
> and
> >> may contain a wildcard ('*') at the end, to match every resource path
> with
> >> the given path prefix. (sling.content.disposition.paths)
> >>>> I have guessed at different entries, but they do not take affect.
> >>>> /content/path/robots.txt[text/plain]
> >>>> /content/path/robots.txt [text/plain]
> >>>> /content/path/robots.txt:text/plain
> >>>> If I uncheck "Enable For All Resource Paths” in the Apache Sling
> >>>> Content Disposition Filter, then the header Content-Disposition:
> >>>> attachment goes away and it renders as expected. But seems like an
> >>>> extreme solution especially given the fact that Content Disposition
> >>>> Filter was used and worked at the previous version mentioned. Please
> >>>> note that although I have provided some context about the a specific
> >>>> problem, my question is about how to configure "Included Resource
> >>>> Paths & Content Types” using path and mime types.
> >>>> Thanks!
> >>>> Cris
> >>
> >>

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