Hello Sling Users

When I launch Sling, there is an ACL for jrc:read for the everyone ‘principle' 
on jcr:root, as described in the repoinit.txt

I have found these resources:


But I still have questions:
* Why is everyone by default granted jcr:read access to the whole repository? 
* If you wanted to control access, isn’t it better to whitelist (i.e. grant) 
instead of deny?
* If the everyone ACL jcr:read rule was deleted from root, what problems should 
be expected?

Many thanks!
Cris Rockwell
Applications Architect Sr  
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts | University of Michigan 
LSA Technology Services | 6503 Haven Hall | 505 S. State Street | Ann Arbor, MI 
I 48109
Desk: 734.763.6818 | Email: cmroc...@umich.edu

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