Le vendredi 14 mai 2010 à 14:08 -0300, Roberto a écrit :
> Hi,
> The problem began with a particular user some days ago. He had a lot of 
> mails, so I suspected the problem was that. But now most of the users 
> have the same problem, even me.
> We can see no mail at the INBOXes. No problem with other folders. I 
> still use Squirrelmail which sees the INBOX's mails without problem.
> I upgraded the server to latest Debian package and the problem continues.
> The problem seems to be reported the same way as for the first user who 
> had this problem, you can see it below in the second line: "could not 
> fetch x uids for url: imap://..../INBOX/"
> Note I'm using "/" as separator.
It looks like bug #58 http://sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=58
I don't have a solution, but you can workaround it searching for a
message with complicated structure (multipart, multi charset, etc...)
and delete it with another mail client...



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