
I've installed a new serveur, it's a CentOS 5.4 with openldap 2.3.43-3, dovecot 
1.0.7-7, sendmail  8.13.8-2, postgresql 8.1.11-1, httpd   2.2.3-31, memcached 
1.4.5-1, sope 4.9-20100504_1664,  and SOGo  1.2.2-1 .

When I start sogo I've the message segmentation fault.

If I do "su sogo" and "sogod -WOWorkersCount 1 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log", I've also 
segmentation fault.


This is my ".GNUstepDefaults" :

GlobalDomain = {


    gdnc = {


    sogod = {

        NGUseUTF8AsURLEncoding = YES;

        OCSFolderInfoURL = 

        SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;

        SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;

        SOGoAuthenticationMethod = LDAP;

        SOGoDefaultLanguage = French;

        SOGoDefaultMailDomain = domain-test.local;

        SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;

        SOGoFallbackIMAP4Server = localhost;

        SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;

        SOGoLDAPSources = (


                CNFieldName = cn;

                IDFieldName = uid;

                UIDFieldName = uid;

                baseDN = "ou=Utilisateurs,dc=domain-test,dc=local";

                bindDN = "uid=sogo,ou=Utilisateurs,dc=domain-test,dc=local";

                bindPassword = secret;

                canAuthenticate = YES;

                displayName = "Utilisateurs";

                hostname = localhost;

                id = shared;

                isAddressBook = YES;

                port = 389;



        SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;

        SOGoOtherUsersFolderName = "Other Users";

        SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;

        SOGoProfileURL = 

        SOGoSMTPServer = localhost;

        SOGoServerTimeZone = Europe/Paris;

        SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;

        SOGoUIxDefaultModule = Mail;

        WOApplicationRedirectURL = "http://centos.domain-test.Local";;

        WOMessageUseUTF8 = YES;

        WOParsersUseUTF8 = YES;

        WOPort = 20000;

        WOUseRelativeURLs = NO;

        SxVMemLimit = 512;

        SOGoMailComposeMessageType = html;

        SOGoFirstDayOfWeek = 1;

        SOGoMailMessageCheck = every_5_minutes;




Where is the problem?



Agence de la Métropole Lilloise

Tél. : 03 20 37 95 90

Agence du Douaisis

Tél. : 03 59 30 65 40




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