
there're some great new feature. Especially the Exchange (ActiveSync
over Air) support so every mobile can directly use its integrated
exchange support to sync events. Maybe this works also better than Funambol.

Another nice feature is the enhanced group support. But there is
especially one missing feature - that's necessary for every company -
which is group calendars. As far as I know there's also a feature
request for this in the bug tracker.

There are 2 points which I think are important:
1.) Fully working funambol sync. By now, alarms (reminders) aren't
synced correctly which seems to be a problem of absolute and relative
alarm times. These should be correctly converted while syncing.
Another feature which worked previously are photos. They were correctly
synced and remained as vcard. But now they are stripped while syncing
but photos are a feature which every modern calendar supports.
2.) Better mail support in the webfrontend: There are many options
"greyed-out" which should be implemented but aren't working so far e.g.
"delete selected messages" or "Marks", you can't "mark" messages as
"read, unread, ...."!
3.) Missing support for Thunderbird 3. But I think this will be one of
the top-most thinks of the developers list ;-)

Great work and I'm hopefully looking forward to the upcoming releases.


Ludovic Marcotte schrieb:

As some of you might have seen, we're getting close to a new SOGo release - v1.3.0. So far, it features the following enhancements :

   * added support for the "tentative" status in the invitation responses
* inviting a group of contacts is now possible, where each contact will be extracted when the group is resolved
   * added support for modifying the role of the meeting participants
* attendees having an "RSVP" set to "FALSE" or empty will no longer need/be able to respond to invitations * added the ability to specify which calendar is taken into account when retrieving a user's freebusy * added the ability to publish resources to unauthenticated (anonymous) users, via the "/SOGo/dav/public" url * we now provide ICS and XML version of a user's personal calendars when accessed from his own "Calendar" base collection * events are now displayed with the coloured stripe representing their category, if one is defined in the preferences * the event location is now displayed in the calendar view when defined properly * added a caching mechanism for freebusy requests, in order to accelerate the display * added the ability to specify a time range when requesting a time slot suggestion
   * added a Ukrainian translation
   * updated the Czeck translation

and we still have some work to complete prior to the release:


Also, for more than a year, we've been following closely the OpenChange project (http://www.openchange.org). As you can read from the website, it takes a different approach by providing an open source implementation of the Microsoft Exchange Protocol. The OpenChange project made great progress lately and it's now the right time to start looking at adding a SOGo provider for it.

The SOGo provider would allow any Outlook clients to talk directly to OpenChange (without any additional plugins, since it would think it talks directly to an Exchange server) which would then use SOGo's business logic to handle the rest. Outlook users would then be able to fully collaborate with there SOGo, Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning, Apple iCal and other peers.

We've started discussions with the OpenChange team to deliver a PoC as soon as we can so stay tuned for progress on this.

As usual, your input is appreciated.



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