
> this error first occurred before you used DB update script or after that?
Both. No change.
> are you sure that you don't have older DB and haven't restored data from
> older setup?
100% - we are in testing phase. It is easy:

dropdb sogo
createdb -O sogo sogo

> are you sure that your db ownership and access permissions are set correctly?
I'm a PostgreSQL newbie - only use this DB, because of SOGo (but plenty
of experience with MySQL and Oracle...) - what are the possible traps?

host sogo sogo md5

Default Debian PostgreSQL installation and version:
postgresql  8.3.11-0lenny1

Local OpenLDAP Server, Debian default install. This server runs
exclusively for SOGo at the moment.

> please provide more information about your setup (like used SQL server or
> .GNUstepdefaults) and maybe sogo developers can debug your problem.

See attached my .GNUstepdefaults file


    NSGlobalDomain = {
    sogod = {
        OCSFolderInfoURL = 
        SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
        SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
        SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
        SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
        SOGoIMAPServer = localhost;
        SOGoLanguage = German;
        SOGoMailDomain = dimedis.de;
        SOGoMailingMechanism = sendmail;
        SOGoOtherUsersFolderName = "Other Users";
        SOGoProfileURL = 
        SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
        SOGoSharedFolderName = "Shared Folders";
        SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Berlin;
        SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
        SOGoUserSources = (
                CNFieldName = cn;
                IDFieldName = uid;
                IMAPHostFieldName = mailHost;
                UIDFieldName = uid;
                baseDN = "dc=dimedis,dc=de";
                bindDN = "cn=admin,dc=dimedis,dc=de";
                bindPassword = XYZ;
                canAuthenticate = YES;
                displayName = "Shared Addresses";
                hostname = localhost;
                id = public;
                isAddressBook = YES;
                port = 389;
        WOApplicationRedirectURL = "http://XYZ.dimedis.de";;

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