Hi everyone,

We are please to announce the availability of the feature.

As mentionned in previous messages on this list, you will need to adapt your Apache configuration for it to work properly.

You need to create a virtualhost on port 8843 (SSL enabled) and/or 8800 (clear) including more or less the same directives as in your current SOGo.conf. The differences are:

- the "Alias" and "LocationMatch" directives can be removed as the entry will be accessed in DAV only - the "ProxyPass" directive must originate from "/" and be targetting "/SOGo/dav" - the "Proxy" section remains more or less the same, but you need to adapt the "x-web...-port" appropriatly and add the ":port" to the "x-web...server-url" and "...-server-name" entries

Also, you need to know that the access is currently limited to the personal addressbook. No other addressbook will be available due to limitations in AddressBook.app itself. Also, we have noticed that contact photos are properly interpreted when set in AB.app and uploaded to SOGo, but they are not the other way around. Again, this is a bug in AB.app and we cannot do anything about it, except for breaking the standards (which we won't).

As always, enjoy and please report any issue you may face!

Wolfgang Sourdeau  ::  +1 (514) 447-4918 ext. 125  ::  wsourd...@inverse.ca
Inverse inc. Leaders behind SOGo (sogo.nu) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org)

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