En/na Wolfgang Sourdeau ha escrit:

Does anybody know how that (wrong?) data could possibly enter the database (accessed only through sogo and the funambol connector) and, more importantly, how to "fix" it now that it's already there?

It's likely one of your funambol devices that generates those bad EXDATE entries. Mobile devices are well known for not respecting standards or inventing variations thereof.

Probably, in fact he's using a windows mobile device :-/ but I doubt he's the only one. But, shouldn't the funambol connector filter/massage those entries, avoiding them entering the database in the first place? And now that they are there, is there a way for sogo to be more lenient/fix those entries? Besides, the EXDATE is only part of the problem, sogo also chokes on the RRULE (i.e, fixing the EXDATE doesn't fix the problem).

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A. http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.133)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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