Hi all

I still have problems logging into the webinterface:

Whenever i try to login i got an error message "wrong user or password":

The sogo log file shows:
2010-09-09 00:45:09.256 sogod[18905] Scanner initialised with nil string
Sep 09 00:45:09 sogod: SOGo watchdog [18905]: SOGoRootPage Login for
user 'sogo' might not have worked - password policy: 65535  grace: -1
expire: -1  bound: 0 - - [09/Sep/2010:00:45:09 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1"
403 34/38 0.008 - - 0

I tried to logon to the ldap server via phpldapadmin using the user
"sogo" credential and it worked.

I set "passwordPolicy NO" in my GNUstepDefaults. Has anyone an idea,
what's wrong ?

If it is helpful i can also post the complete GNUstepDefaults file.

Carsten Laun-De Lellis

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