Hi all

After typing in the right command i got another error message:

defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({type = sql;id = directory;viewURL
= "mysql://mail:m...@localhost:3306/mail/sogo_view";canAuthenticate =
YES;isAddressBook = YES;userPasswordAlgorithm = none;})'
2010-09-15 10:57:09.652 defaults[10740] Creating empty user defaults database
2010-09-15 10:57:09.687 defaults[10740] File NSData.m: 1576. In -[NSData
writeToFile:options:error:] Unable to correctly set all attributes for

I don't know where i have the mistake.

I have created a database "mail" and a view with all identifiers mentioned
in the documentation (c_uid, c_user, mail,...) and added some information
to the database.

I created a user "mail" with all rights on the database.

There are two questions i don't understand:

- Does sogo write into the database
- What excactly does id mean

I would appreciate any help.


Carsten Laun-De Lellis
Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

Hauptstrasse 13
D-67705 Trippstadt

Phone:   +49 (6306) 992140
Mobile:  +49 (151) 27530865
email:   carsten.delel...@delellis.net


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