Just install on your desktop (No matter if it's Windows XP) and then connecto to the funambol server.
Of course the firewall(s) must allow this connection


Am 22.09.2010 13:47, schrieb M. Stoffers:
Hi again ;)

Now I have trouble with funamboladmin. I'm setting up the funambol server as described in chapter 7. I came till the point where it says: "To do so, start the Funambol Administration Tool using the following command:"

Here I'm wondering which user account I should be logged in.

- As unprivileged user I get a lot of "java.io.IOException: Permission denied"
- As root I get "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment" (the latter twice) - A lot of files in /opt/Funambol have uid=gid=504, though there is no user/group with those ids. So I created funambol:funambol as 504:504 and su'd into that account. However, I got a combination of the exceptions of unprivileged and root :(

So do I have to run it as root? Do I have to allow X11-Fwd for root? Or is there a more elegant way? (An ncurses version of funamboladmin would be fine :P )




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