Hi Francis

Thanks for your help. This problem has been solved :-) . But there another Problem now. After updating SOGo I can't do a new entry in my personal calendar on the web interface. Addressbook an mail  works. We're using SOGo with SME-Server a mailserver distribution based on Cent-OS 5.
I will try to check the SOGo configuration next.


Am 15.10.2010 04:17, schrieb Francis Lachapelle:
Hi Hans-Peter

On Oct 12, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Hans-Peter Görlich wrote:

We want to use SOGo with Thunderbird. Until now only frontends to synchronize
with Thunderbird 2.0 were available. Test installations with these frontends
were running without problems. But as we commonly use TB 3.1, I've been waiting
for the packages for TB 3.1. Now these are available from Sogo. I have tried to
install and configure the packages. Installation where O.K. But when starting
Thunderbird the following problem occur. When starting Thunderbird, the
Connector tries to connect to our internal SOGo Server. Now, suddenly, there is
an error message that the Certificate of our SME server can not be trusted
because it is not certified by a public entity (sec_error_untrusted_user). In
the message there is no possibility to save an exception rule. Thus, a
connection to the server is not possible and TB will not start. In Thunderbird
itself this certificate is stored as valid and there are no problems. Within
the error message it is only the possibility to download and view the
Who has an idea how to change this behavior.
Try this:

 1. Go in the Advanced tab of the Preferences window;
 2. Click on "View Certificates";
 3. Click on "Servers";
 4. Click on "Add Exception";
 5. Type your SOGo hostname and port (for example, sogo.kabelbw.de:443);
 6. Click on "Get Certificate";
 7. Click on "Confirm Security Exception" and check "Permanently store this exception".


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence (http://packetfence.org)


Hans-Peter Görlich <hp_goerl...@kabelbw.de>
Lindenstraße 12, D-68723 Schwetzingen
powered by Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
managed with Thunderbird 3.1

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