> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Adi Kriegisch <a...@cg.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
>      Thanks for the hint. There is indeed a NullPointerException in
>      ds-server.log:
> If it helps, I have done some testing with Nokia phones (not N900 though) and
> haven't faced such an issue...yet. The exact setup included a SOGo nightly
> build just before the 1.3.3 release, with MySQL and Funambol 8.5.2 server.
Thanks for your help and your support. I just found the underlying cause:
It is the UID -- 430 in this case.
I just changed it in the database to A430 (and UID:430 to UID:A430) and it
started to work again.
>From RFC2445 (icalendar -- as there is no vcalendar RFC I am aware of):
| Property Name: UID
|    Purpose: This property defines the persistent, globally unique
|    identifier for the calendar component.
|    Value Type: TEXT
|    Property Parameters: Non-standard property parameters can be
|    specified on this property.
...which means "430" is a valid UID -- although a pointless one. I will
file a bug on this at maemo.org.

Anyways -- this should be fixed in SOGo as well.

-- Adi

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