Hello all,

Since a few weeks, I try to install SOGo in the last version (1.3.0) because of several bugs in our calendar (v 1.2.0).
This operation have succesfully been finished.

But today, to access my personal calendar (after DB import and mail sync), I have some errors.

Please find the error message in my browser :
"Service temporary unavailable, The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."

FYI, it's not every time.

For me, I think this problem is caused by the cluster / load balancer in the SOGo configuration.

Could you please said me if this issue is due to a wrong config ? Or if you have ever met it ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


PERAX SA - Automates de télégestion
Edouard Leib - el...@perax.fr
Administrateur réseaux, systèmes et téléphonie
Tél. +33 (0)5 62 75 95 71
PERAX SA - Automates de télégestion / Automates de télégestion - w w w . p e r a x . f r
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