Le 2010-11-30 11:08, Christian Reischl a écrit :

I'm using SOGo 1.3.4 on Debian Lenny with dbmail 2.2.10-1 (latest Version for Debian Lenny) and getting the following errors:

Nov 30 16:27:37 sogod [4436]: <0x0x1097760[NGImap4Client]> ERROR(-[NGImap4Client _processCommandParserException:]): catched IMAP4 parser exception NGImap4ParserException: unexpected char <(> expected < > Nov 30 16:27:37 sogod [4436]: [ERROR] <0x0xff32b0[NGImap4Connection]> could not fetch 12 uids for url: imap://christian.reis...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/INBOX/

Hi Christian,

Can you sniff your IMAP traffic and send it to us when it occurs?

For example, launch tcpflow, refresh the mailbox, exit tcpflow and send us the result.

We are catching more and more of those bugs as releases go by. Hopefully we'll nail them all soon...




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