Just a little tip:

When deploying a SOGo installation where the database server will not reside on the same host as the SOGo instances, be careful to select a (virtual) hostname which will NOT change for the lifetime of your installation. Use an DNS alias and use entries in /etc/hosts. Do not use an IP address as database host name.


In case you want/have to change your database host (ip renumbering, infrastructure change, ...) just change the IP entry for that virtual database host name (either in /etc/hosts or DNS). Otherwise...

you're cooked.

In sogo_folder_info, SOGo stores the URL to the actual storage tables (data, index (quick) and ACL (acl)) for each calendar and contact ressource.


540 | /Users/testuser/Calendar/personal | Users | testuser | Calendar | personal | Persönlicher Kalender | postgresql://sogo:s...@ha-postgres:5432/sogo/sogotestuser0013182468c | postgresql://sogo:s...@ha-postgres:5432/sogo/sogotestuser0013182468c_quick | postgresql://sogo:s...@ha-postgres:5432/sogo/sogotestuser0013182468c_acl | Appointment

As you can see, it stores links like


So if you change

- the database host name
- the database user
- the database password
- the database server port number

then you'll have to ALTER ALL ENTRIES in sogo_folder_info.


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