Dear SOGo users,I'm using SOGo version 1.3.4 on an Ubuntu 10.04 server. Users are authenticated against our LDAP server which additionally provides the data for the general address book.
Unfortunately, SOGo (web interface as well as Thunderbird with SOGo connector) does not show all information in a users contact. For example fax number and the whole home address information is missing.
If I add the LDAP directory manually to my Thunderbird address book, then everything is available.
According to my LDAP logs both, TB and SOGo, request mainly the same attributes for an users entry (see attached file).
Has anybody seen this behavior before? Is this a SOGo configuration issue? Because so far it looks like SOGo gets the information but doesn't handle it correctly.
Thank you in advance for your very appreciated help! Best regards, Martin --
############################################## # SOGo search ############################################## slapd[9037]: conn=1333 op=2 SRCH attr=objectClass cn uid mail title company o displayname modifytimestamp mozillahomestate mozillahomeurl homeurl st region mozillacustom2 custom2 mozillahomecountryname description notes department departmentnumber ou orgunit mobile cellphone carphone mozillacustom1 custom1 mozillanickname xmozillanickname mozillaworkurl workurl fax facsimiletelephonenumber telephonenumber mozillahomestreet mozillasecondemail xmozillasecondemail mozillacustom4 custom4 nsaimid nscpaimscreenname street streetaddress postofficebox homephone cn commonname givenname mozillahomepostalcode mozillahomelocalityname mozillaworkstreet2 mozillausehtmlmail xmozillausehtmlmail mozillahomestreet2 postalcode zip c countryname pager pagerphone mail sn surname mozillacustom3 custom3 l locality birthyear serialnumber calfburl proxyaddresses slapd[9037]: conn=1333 op=2 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text= ############################################### # TB LDAP search ############################################### slapd[9037]: conn=1220 op=1 SRCH attr=birthday o company mail modifytimestamp mozillaUseHtmlMail xmozillausehtmlmail mozillaCustom2 custom2 mozillaHomeCountryName ou department departmentnumber orgunit mobile cellphone carphone telephoneNumber title mozillaCustom1 custom1 sn surname mozillaNickname xmozillanickname mozillaWorkUrl workurl labeledURI facsimiletelephonenumber fax mozillaSecondEmail xmozillasecondemail mozillaCustom4 custom4 nsAIMid nscpaimscreenname street streetaddress postOfficeBox givenName l locality homePhone mozillaHomeUrl homeurl mozillaHomeStreet st region mozillaHomePostalCode mozillaHomeLocalityName mozillaCustom3 custom3 mozillaWorkStreet2 mozillaHomeStreet2 postalCode zip birthmonth c countryname pager pagerphone mozillaHomeState description notes birthyear cn commonname objectClass slapd[9037]: conn=1220 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=