This is preventing us from deploying SOGo to customers, so we are keen for any help anyone can provide. Does anyone have any thoughts on the observation "I see that the difference is the reference name of the event. SOGo uses just numbers, Evolution uses long text."?

On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 23:41 -0500, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> On 11-01-12 10:17 PM, Karoly Molnar wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > I'm using latest SOGo 1.3.4 on Ubuntu Lucid, backend is PostgreSQL v8.4
> > everything works fine. Funambol v8.7 is also installed and I followed
> > the documentation and created the sogo-card, sogo-cal, sogo-todo sources
> > with the Funambol admin.
> >
> > I setup a BlackBerry based on the documentation and connected to the
> > server. BB says sync went fine, but actually nothing happens. On the
> > Funambol server the ds-server.log does show that the device is syncing
> > with, but it syncs against the regular sources, card, cal, tasks and not
> > the one that I set in the remote uri setting on the BB. I can even see
> > the synced stuff on the webdemo. As I understand that should not happen.
> >
> > I run tcpdump and it shows that the word "sogo-card" never shows up in
> > the transmitted text, but "card" does show up.
> >
> > Anybody has run into a problem like this?
> Yes, look at the archives. You could try to reboot the device after your
> changes or simply create the "card" (and other sources) instead of
> "sogo-card" - it's just a name afterall, and you can have both if you want.

I deleted the built in card, event, task Funambol sources and added the
sogo sources as card, event and task and the BB started syncing
regardless what is set on the BB config. Weird.

Anyway the sync works, yet I have an another problem. The events that
are created by SOGo web interface are synced:
[2011-01-13 11:12:25,388] [funambol.sogo] [INFO]
[4A41E0BB0BC55342CB9EF1E85420AD82] [] [fbb-601089840]
[kmolnar] [event] Received status code '200' for a 'Add' for this items
- 623416264

The events that are created over the CALDAV interface by Evolution are
also initiated to sync, but there's an error:
[2011-01-13 11:12:25,388] [funambol.sogo] [INFO]
[4A41E0BB0BC55342CB9EF1E85420AD82] [] [fbb-601089840]
[kmolnar] [event] Received status code '500' for a 'Add' for this items
- 20110111T165551Z-1898-5000-1-2_chaos-20110111T165554Z.ics

Anything on that? I see that the difference is the reference name of the
event. SOGo uses just numbers, Evolution uses long text.

Is this a problem? Is there any other clue, that I'm missing?

Karoly Molnar
VP Engineering


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