Am 24.02.2011 14:32, schrieb Ludovic Marcotte:
> On 11-02-24 6:13 AM, Philipp Giebel wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> I'm currently migrating from a pure mailserver to SOGo and I love it, so
>> far..! :)
>> But now, I have a problem: I'ld like to migrate to old sive scripts of
>> my users and I don't want to login to sogo with every account and add
>> the rules manually.
>> So, I took a look at the filesystem and found the sieve-script-files.
>> But no matter, what I do - sogo ignores my changes:
>> I edited the file "~/sieve/sogo.sieve" checked the symlink at "~"
>> compiled the script, using sievec:
>>> ~# sievec .dovecot.sieve .dovecot.svbin
>> Corrected the permissions of the newly created svbin-file, logged out
>> and in on the sogo-site, but my newly added rules don't show up..
>> Is there any way to do this?
> SOGo does NOT have a Sieve script parser so what you're trying to do
> won't work. The scripts will be there but the metadata SOGo "reads" from
> its database will of course not be present.
> libSieve could eventually be used to perform just that - ie., parse the
> Sieve scripts in order to extract what SOGo needs - this could be a
> migration tool, or be integrated in sogo-tool itself.
> Regards,

Okay, cool - I guess I could do that, but where does sogo store its
data? I searched the sql db and found nothing.. I'm also using mysql for
authentification - maybe that's important..
..But after all: Sieve-Configuration via sogo works fine: The Rules are
stored *somewhere* and get executed when new mail arrives..


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