On Tue, 1 Mar 2011, Pascal Gienger wrote:

# su - sogo
$ defaults write sogod SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled YES
$ exit
# service sogod restart

Beware, passwords are stored in cleartext in your sql backend.

Thanks, Pascal, for pointing out this config option. (I need to add the appropriate LDAP schema before I can try out your other suggestion.)

I turned on the auxiliary accounts and was able to create one, but ended up hanging sogod's worker thread repeatedly.

Hmm, I wonder if this has anything to do with getting the protocol wrong, like I did previously with ldap vs. ldaps with a similar symptom. If I change to "SSL" from "TLS", amazing, the alternate account folders appear and I can use it normally!

So what's going wrong with TLS? In some other mailers it's interpreted as not just selection of ciphers, but SSL means fall back to unencrypted if you can't set it up, while TLS means mandatory, which is what I want. Does anyone know what SSL vs. TLS really means in SOGo?

To be specific, in Preferences - IMAP Accounts - j...@math.ucla.edu (the name of the account), I set:
    Server Name: nasturtium.math.ucla.edu   Port: 993
    Encryption: TLS (later changed to SSL)
    User Name: jimc
    Password: ......... (I initially tried an empty PW without success)
    Full Name: Jim Carter
    Email: j...@math.ucla.edu  (local realm would be cft.ca.us)
    Signature: (none)
    Return receipt: Never.

When I hit Save+Close it is saved, and produces a "get mail" event, whereupon these events happen (every time I try it):

In sogo.log:  <br>localhost - - [01/Mar/2011:21:22:46 GMT] "POST
    /SOGo/so/jimc/Mail/0/mailboxes HTTP/1.1" 200 170/0 0.081 - - 0
    (client gets messages from primary mail server; there aren't any
    (correct), but the folders are shown.  Nothing more is logged.)
The "in process" circle circulates, then gives up after about 30 secs.
Hit Preferences; nothing is logged, and the window eventually shows 502
    proxy error, timeout reading from remote server.  This can be rectified
    by restarting sogod, or the watchdog will restart the worker thread
    after 10 minutes.
After 3 minutes maillog on the remote IMAP server says:  Mar  1 21:25:46
    nasturtium dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Inactivity (no auth
    attempts): rip=, lip=, TLS handshaking
    (proving that sogod did connect to the server, which should have
    offered STARTTLS and nothing more.)

James F. Carter          Voice 310 825 2897    FAX 310 206 6673
UCLA-Mathnet;  6115 MSA; 405 Hilgard Ave.; Los Angeles, CA, USA 90095-1555
Email: j...@math.ucla.edu  http://www.math.ucla.edu/~jimc (q.v. for PGP key)

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