Am 09.03.2011 17:53, schrieb
Thanks for the pointer. I use the same Funambol client to sync my Tasks and Contacts from SOGo. Unfortunately, my phone (Samsung Epic) uses Android 2.1 and the Funambol client does not do Calendar Sync on Android 2.1. I am waiting for Samsung to upgrade to Android Froyo 2.2 and then retry the Calendar side with SOGo.
the calendar stuff is anoying in android... The newest funambol code (not released) also includes support for synching "OnePunch Notes", but there we miss a container in Sogo for them ;)
Do you use the Sync tags for multiple calendar support from SOGo? Does it work well?
No, actually we don't use that. What I would more need is the abaility to sync with two (very) different sogo accounts. (Ony my own private sogo installation/domain, and the other one the work sogo installation....) Still dreaming of a native Caldav client in android (Like in the other big player in the mobile market has..... :( ) André --