Mohit Chawla wrote:
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Allen Chen < <>> wrote:

    After I upgraded SOGo to 1.3.5a from 1.3.3, some events from one
    user cause SOGo to restart.
    Other users have no problems.

Did you run the sql update script ( 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 ) ? That might help.
Yes, I run, and this script just add c_categories to _quick tables. I have 10 SOGo calendar users, and only one user has this problem after upgraded. This user uses web GUI and BB to sync calendar. On web GUI (SOGo 1.3.5a), when click 'calendar', you get nothing; but on Thunderbird 2, some events show up and some are missing.
sogo.log(when access from web):
2011-03-10 11:49:11.075 sogod[4481] NGCalendarDateRange.m:37 Assertion failed in NGCalendarDateRange(instance), method initWithStartDate:endDate:. *startDate MUST NOT be nil!* EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x90d09c8> NAME:NSInternalInconsistencyException REASON:NGCalendarDateRange.m:37 Assertion failed in NGCalendarDateRange(instance), method initWithStartDate:endDate:. *startDate MUST NOT be nil! INFO:(nil) * Mar 10 11:49:11 sogod [4343]: <0x0x8d40e30[WOWatchDogChild]> child 4481 exited

so, the log says: "*startDate MUST NOT be nil!*", this should be related to some events not formatted correctly, which were entered from SOGo 1.3.3 web GUI or Blackberry(not from Thunderbird).

Is there a way to find these mal-formated events in the database?


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