Hi Dominique,


I wrote a howto for funambol with sogo integrator on the clearos forum (=centos), you can find it here

Maybe this helps to get your setup working.



On Friday, 25 March, 2011 16:04 CET, Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com> wrote:

OK, it looks better now.

Sogo is still working. So far so good.

I did the funambol install based on the information provided by the SOGo
manual + what was recommended earlier to get the Mysql support. Nothing
more in the funambol install. With one exception: instead of using
localhost, I use the server IP address although both services are
running on the same server (to solve the error mentioned in my prior post).

Funambol is installed, I changed the Database to Mysql, and I can get my
phone (Nokia N97 mini) to sync with funambol. As per the content of the
mysql funambol database, I do have data transfer going on. Great but I
just want to use funambol to connect to SOGo, and that still does not work.

I changed the officer in Funambol, edited the xml file to point to my
domain (or should it be the local server IP ?). I added the module for
SOGo in the midst of other modules I do not use and configured the
various sync sources (with the server local IP), so the question is...
what am I missing or doing wrong.

Any new ideas are welcome at this point.


On 24/03/2011 19:04, Dominique wrote:
> Well,
> Next time, I'll look a bit more in the folder... I just ran the
> install file. That one is a Linux file. But now I'm having the
> following errors after the first question:
> /opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install.xml:172: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> /opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install.xml:353: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> /opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install.xml:380: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> /opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install.xml:437: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> /opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install.xml:452:
> com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:
> Communications link failure
> Any ideas,
> Dominique
> On 24/03/2011 18:55, Dominique wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> Indeed It was configured with Hypersonic. Got all the changes made
>> for Mysql, but I hit a snag at the end... In the manual, it says run
>> install.cmd but it looks like a windows/dos file. Any idea for a
>> Linux environment ?
>> Dominique
>> On 24/03/2011 18:02, Louis-Philippe Gauthier wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The default database of Funambol is HyperSonic...
>>> Do you configure Funambol to use Mysql ?
>>> see Funambol Documentation - Section 16.4 Using funambol with MySQL
>>> 2011/3/24 Dominique >
>>> Hi,
>>> I got the user connection working now with a Nokia N97. Errors
>>> in the jdbc connector and no mapping in the NAT for port 20000.
>>> Synchronization now goes on without error.
>>> Except that no data is actually transfered. From the phone
>>> perspectice, a few hundreds contacts are transfered from the
>>> phone (as per the counter that changes on the phone screen) to
>>> Sogo, except that no records shows up in Sogo Address book. Same
>>> is true for the calendar and todo list.
>>> Any ideas ?
>>> Dominique
>>> PS: Actually, I got it working nicely with Thunderbird although
>>> it was not the principal objective.
>>> On 18/03/2011 18:18, Mohit Chawla wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Dominique
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> In order to test it, I installed a Thunderbird client
>>>> before trying to roll it out to mobile clients.
>>>> I am not sure if Thunderbird is supposed to work with Funambol.
>>>> You can either try with a mobile client or MS Outlook,
>>>> according to your available resources.
>>>> Regarding users/fqdn, in a funambol client (mobile/outlook) you
>>>> will set the url of your sogo server ( and the remote name of
>>>> the sources - sogo-cal etc. ) and that's it. SOGoOfficer will
>>>> pick up user credentials from the db.
>>> --
>>> Louis-Philippe Gauthier

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