* Wolfgang Sourdeau <users@sogo.nu>:
> >The server still reports:
> >
> > - - [30/Mar/2011:22:17:02 GMT] "POST 
> >/SOGo/dav/t...@state-of-mind.de/Contacts/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 500 36/328 
> >0.023 - - 0
> >
> >The URL is correct, yes?
> Yep
> >If it is I don't see what I could change right now. Anything I can to do
> >increase log verbosity on the server (sogo) side?
> >
> >p@rick
> >
> Do you see any message in the SOGo log? A 500 could indicate that a
> crash occurred....

Unfortunately not. I don't see anything else but the log line I posted above
which indicates an internal server error. Anything I could do to increase


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