
I’m testing tbird with the sogo extension on a sample of 40 users (the target 
is 400 before summer)
and the first feedback are some problem around password.
I’m reading the previous question on the mailing list on this subject and the 
answer are : change 
the value of cleanupinterval ... but in my case, the value is ok (30s) and the 
problem seems to be a
little bit different.

When a user enter a bad password (or enter) in the “integrator password 
dialogbox” (this with no  username) for 
example after password change, first use ... tbird became very slow, user have 
no access to adresse book screen 
and tbird process consume 100% of CPU on exit (need kill the process).
On the next tbird launch, integrator pop the password box on each startup but 
this one hang even if the password is good.

For the moment my solution (not really scalable  ):
disable integrator
restart tbird
enable integrator
restart tbird
enter the (good) password

does anyone encounter the same problem ? 
si there a solution ?
how investigate (debug) integrator/tbird to know on which code section process 
loop ?

my version sogo : 1.3.5a, connector / integrator 3.104 - tbird 3.1.7 or 3.1.9

best regards


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