2011/5/9 Thomas Damgaard <thoma...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/5/9 André Schild <an...@schild.ws>:
>> <0x0x7fab343e90a0[GCSSessionsFolder]>  'OCSSessionsFolderURL'
>> is not set
> What should I set it to?
> I have Googled it and found examples where it is set to:
> postgresql://sogo:password@localhost:5432/sogo/sogo_sessions_folder
> but looking at my db schema, I do not have a sogo_sessions_folder
> table. When should this be created? I have run the sql-update scripts
> when upgrading earlier. Was there an update-script for this version as
> well? If so, it does not seem to be provided by the .deb.

I just set it to the non existing table.

It seems that it is being created automatically.

This is from the log when hitting it after updating config:

May 09 18:42:29 sogod [6002]: version 1.3.7 (build @vizzini.inverse.ca
201105061624) -- starting
May 09 18:42:29 sogod [6002]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down
app when vmem > 512 MB
May 09 18:42:29 sogod [6002]: <0x0x1b655e0[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':
May 09 18:42:29 sogod [6002]: <0x0x1b655e0[SOGoProductLoader]>
ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo,
CommonUI.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo,
PreferencesUI.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo
May 09 18:42:30 sogod [6002]: <0x0x1d38d50[WOWatchDog]> listening on *:20000
May 09 18:42:30 sogod [6002]: <0x0x1d38d50[WOWatchDog]> watchdog
process pid: 6002
May 09 18:42:30 sogod [6002]: <0x0x7f5f1fd42ae0[WOWatchDogChild]>
watchdog request timeout set to 10 minutes
May 09 18:42:30 sogod [6002]: <0x0x1d38d50[WOWatchDog]> preparing 1 children
May 09 18:42:30 sogod [6002]: <0x0x1d38d50[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 6004
May 09 18:42:30 sogod [6004]: <0x0x1d22ee0[GCSSessionsFolder]>
sessions folder table 'sogo_sessions_folder' successfully created!

May 09 18:42:52 sogod [6004]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/'
May 09 18:42:52 sogod [6004]: <0x0x1a66e90[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup
interval set every 300.000000 seconds
May 09 18:42:52 sogod [6004]: <0x0x1a66e90[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
'localhost' as server(s)
2011-05-09 18:42:52.854 sogod[6004] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is enabled!
2011-05-09 18:42:52.854 sogod[6004] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is enabled!
2011-05-09 18:42:52.854 sogod[6004] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs
are enabled.
May 09 18:42:52 sogod [6004]: [ERROR] <0x0x1faffb0[SOGoUserManager]>
addressbook source 'directory' has no displayname
2011-05-09 18:42:52.862 sogod[6004] WARNING(-[SaxXMLReaderFactory
_loadBundlePath:infoDictionary:nameMap:typeMap:]): multiple parsers
available for MIME type 'text/x-vcard', using 'VSvCardSaxDriver' as
default for type text/x-vcard.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.862 sogod[6004] WARNING(-[SaxXMLReaderFactory
_loadBundlePath:infoDictionary:nameMap:typeMap:]): multiple parsers
available for MIME type 'text/calendar', using 'VSiCalSaxDriver' as
default for type text/calendar.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.862 sogod[6004] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:
2011-05-09 18:42:52.946 sogod[6004] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.946 sogod[6004] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.966 sogod[6004] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]):
called NSNull -count (returns 0) !!!
May 09 18:42:52 sogod [6004]: |SOGo| request took 0.136004 seconds to execute - - [09/May/2011:18:42:52 GMT] "GET /SOGo/ HTTP/1.1" 200
3451/0 0.140 10504 67% 3M

What does the errors and warnings mean?

May 09 18:42:52 sogod [6004]: [ERROR] <0x0x1faffb0[SOGoUserManager]>
addressbook source 'directory' has no displayname
2011-05-09 18:42:52.862 sogod[6004] WARNING(-[SaxXMLReaderFactory
_loadBundlePath:infoDictionary:nameMap:typeMap:]): multiple parsers
available for MIME type 'text/x-vcard', using 'VSvCardSaxDriver' as
default for type text/x-vcard.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.862 sogod[6004] WARNING(-[SaxXMLReaderFactory
_loadBundlePath:infoDictionary:nameMap:typeMap:]): multiple parsers
available for MIME type 'text/calendar', using 'VSiCalSaxDriver' as
default for type text/calendar.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.862 sogod[6004] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:
2011-05-09 18:42:52.946 sogod[6004] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.946 sogod[6004] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.
2011-05-09 18:42:52.966 sogod[6004] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]):
called NSNull -count (returns 0) !!!

Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards
Thomas Damgaard Nielsen

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