Hello Ludovic,

Am 17.05.2011 17:06, schrieb Ludovic Marcotte:
On 12/05/11 10:31, Mark Adams wrote:
I've also just edited an event created in SOGo, which shows correctly on
the iphone, however after being edited on the iphone (change title) and
syncing back to SOGo, it shows up 1 hour later in the SOGo web
interface. It appears correctly in Thunderbird. All timezones are set to
London. The ics info seems correct if exported from the web interface
(see below). If you open the event in the web interface it is sure
that its an hr later than it actually is, and clicking save moves the
event on all other devices.
Fixed. The iPhone doesn't understand the TZID with "/inverse.ca/20101018_1/" in it so it drops the timezones definition when sending back the event.

You can fix the problem in an existing deployment (v1.3.7a and below) by simply dropping the "/inverse.ca/20101018_1/" from the NGCards' timezone files :

find /usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Resources/NGCards/ -type f -name *.ics | xargs -ti sed -i 's/\/inverse.ca\/20101018_1\///' {}

Adjust find's root accordingly to your setup. Only new events will be ok.

Is it possible, that this changes all event timezones in thunderbird to GMT/UTC ?
If not, then I will have to investigate further....


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