
Is this a "feature" or a bug? I have the latest nightly build installed on
centos with postgres and LDAP for authentication. I am using the Web interface

I create an event with a custom recurring period, ie every 3 months on every
third Wednesday for 3 appointments, several other users are added as invitees.
I then tweak the second and third events times and days slightly by setting
them at slightly different times or dates.

now, when I set the view drop down box to all future events, the second and
third events don't show up in the list at the top of the screen. but they do if
you set view to selected day and select the day where the event is on.

its as if the future events filter doesn't go through the recurring parts of
the data for the events. The reason I ask if its a feature is because (being a
software developer) it almost makes a strange kind of sense to me to only show
the initial version in the top list, and not the recurring sections, mind you
the more I think about it the more I think its just a bug.

anyone else had this problem?


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