On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:07:26PM +0100, Julian Robbins wrote:
> On 14/06/11 12:20, Mark Adams wrote:
> >On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:06:39PM +0100, Julian Robbins wrote:
> >>On 14/06/11 11:59, Mark Adams wrote:
> >>>On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 11:46:08AM +0100, Julian Robbins wrote:
> >>>>>>Ok, thanks for this. But then the question is :- what is the purpose
> >>>>>>of the 'public' address book ?
> >>>>>It's a read-only view of directories. In a default setup it will give
> >>>>>you a listing of all the other users on the SOGo server (if you set your
> >>>>>authentication source to be an address book). you can change
> >>>>>isaddressbook to NO to get it to go away!
> >>>>Ok, but I already get a read only directory view of SOGO Users
> >>>>called 'SOGO Users'....
> >>>>
> >>>Are you talking about in Thunderbird? Do you have more than 1 user
> >>>source in SOGo config? what is the id set to?
> >>I only have one user source, and yes I am talking about Thunderbird.
> >>id is set to 'users'
> >>
> >If you've changed it from the default (public) you have to change your
> >integrator (site.js) to use the new id..
> >pref("sogo-integrator.autocomplete.server.urlid", users);
> Ok. I don't think I've changed the default which confuses me. I've
> read about customising the integrators config, exactly where do i
> find the site.js file? Is it the file within Integrator itself?

Rename the .xpi to .zip and decompress it to edit the contents. if you've
already installed it then it will be in your appdata folder (depends on
what os you use..)


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