I have trouble with setting Thunderbird Integrator, can't find part

= array( "sogo-connec...@inverse.ca"
=> array( "application" => "thunderbird",
"version" => "3.105",
"filename" => "sogo-connector-3.105.xpi" ),
=> array( "application" => "thunderbird",
"version" => "3.105",
"filename" => "sogo-integrator-3.105-sogo-demo.xpi" ),
=> array( "application" => "thunderbird",
"version" => "1.0b2.105i",
"filename" => "lightning-1.0b2.105i.xpi" ));

mentioned on page 9 of SOGo Mozilla Thunderbird Configuration...

Can someone post example of working files extensions.rdf and updates.php file?

On 8/17/2011 5:17 PM, Louis-Philippe Gauthier wrote:

In the SOGo Mozilla ThunderBird Configuration manual (p. 9), in the updates.php file, they specify something after the filename :

"filename" => "sogo-integrator-3.105-sogo-demo.xpi" ),

Where come from this beautiful string ( {e2fad1a4-...) ? The same string is in the Integrator's extensions.rdf file ...

Thanks for your help !


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