Hi Louis-Philippe

On 2011-09-01, at 8:44 AM, Louis-Philippe Gauthier wrote:

>> Am 31.08.11 22:37, schrieb Louis-Philippe Gauthier:
>> > Since I upgrade to SOGo 1.3.8, some (all?) users have trouble to change
>> > their vacation auto reply with FireFox.
>> what for trouble exactly?
> exemple :
> -------------------------------------
> Hi,
> <blank line>
> I'm in vacation .............
> <blank line>
> I will answer you ......
> -------------------------------------
> I can edit the first and last line only ... I must select all the text 
> (CTRL-A) and delete it.  Then, I must type my new text.
> Another way, if I place my cursor at the begining of the last line (I 
> will...) and press "Backspace" twice, I delete the blank line and then, I can 
> edit my text .
> If I am on the first  line of my text and hit the down arrow, my cursor goes 
> at the end of the last line. It's like my text and the blank lines doesn't 
> exist ... 
> I hope this help you ... I test it on four computers, with Firefox 6.0 or 
> Firefox 6.0.1. With IE 8, everything works fine. :-/

That's definitely a bug in FF .. I was able to fix it by setting the position 
of the textarea to "fixed", but it has side effects on the layout.

Could you fill a ticket on the BTS? http://sogo.nu/bugs



flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
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