The log shows that you did not setup OCSSessionsFolderURL parameter in your SOGo config file.
Please add the following entry to your GnutepDefaults


On 09/08/2011 03:25 AM, Wendell Hatcher wrote:

          I have  a weird problem  my sogo server is setup and running but it 
just sits on the login screen when I enter the login information for my user in 
mysql database. But it shows the user at the end of the url which tells me that 
i should see another screen?


I turned DEBUG on inside of the sogo logs and here is what I am getting back.

buntu-1104-natty-64-minimal - - [07/Sep/2011:18:17:59 GMT] "GET /SOGo/coeustecsup 
HTTP/1.1" 200 3555/0 0.013 10810 67% 4K
root@coeustec:/var/log/sogo# tail -f sogo.log
Ubuntu-1104-natty-64-minimal - - [07/Sep/2011:18:17:59 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect 
HTTP/1.1" 200 27/51 0.011 - - 136K
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri 
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]: [ERROR]<0x0x7ffb764be3a0[GCSSessionsFolder]>  
'OCSSessionsFolderURL' is not set
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]:<0x0x1061700[SOGoWebAuthenticator]>  tried wrong 
password for user 
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   constructed root-url: /SOGo/
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   setting root-url in context: /SOGo/
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| ROOT baseURL(no container, name=(nil)):
   own: /SOGo/
Sep 07 18:17:59 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| request took 0.012274 seconds to execute
Ubuntu-1104-natty-64-minimal - - [07/Sep/2011:18:17:59 GMT] "GET /SOGo/coeustecsup 
HTTP/1.1" 200 3555/0 0.013 10810 67% 4K
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| lookup name: SOGo
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   did not find key 'SOGo' in 
SoClass:<0x0x1027fa0[SoObjCClass]: super=0x0x10256b0 objc=SOGo 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   looked up value: (nil)
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   lookup in root object: (nil)
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   GOT: (nil)
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   matched appname: SOGo
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   =>  rewrote value:<SOGo[0x0xf62d50]: 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| lookup name: connect
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   looked up value:<0x0x1485ab0[SoPageInvocation]: 
class=SOGoRootPage action=connect bound instantiated product=<0x0x10f6070[SoProduct]: 
loaded code-loaded bundle=/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/MainUI.SOGo #classes=8 #categories=4 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   GOT:<0x0x1485ab0[SoPageInvocation]: 
class=SOGoRootPage action=connect bound instantiated product=<0x0x10f6070[SoProduct]: 
loaded code-loaded bundle=/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/MainUI.SOGo #classes=8 #categories=4 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]:<0x0x12b0170[SOGoCache]>  an error occurred when caching 
value for key 'coeustecsup+attributes': "WRITE FAILURE"
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user 
'coeustecsup' - expire = -1  grace = -1
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]:<0x0x12b0170[SOGoCache]>  an error occurred when caching 
value for key 'session:T+7az7mrbY/CUioKGM6DaQ==': "WRITE FAILURE"
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: [ERROR]<0x0x7ffb764be3a0[GCSSessionsFolder]>  
'OCSSessionsFolderURL' is not set
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]:<0x0x12b0170[SOGoCache]>  an error occurred when caching 
value for key 'coeustecsup+attributes': "WRITE FAILURE"
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]:<0x0x12b0170[SOGoCache]>  an error occurred when caching 
value for key 'supp...@coeustec.com+attributes': "WRITE FAILURE"
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]:<0x0x12b0170[SOGoCache]>  an error occurred when caching 
value for key 'coeustec...@coeustec.com+attributes': "WRITE FAILURE"
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| request took 0.004426 seconds to execute
Ubuntu-1104-natty-64-minimal - - [07/Sep/2011:18:21:46 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect 
HTTP/1.1" 200 27/51 0.006 - - 0
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: [ERROR]<0x0x7ffb764be3a0[GCSSessionsFolder]>  
'OCSSessionsFolderURL' is not set
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]:<0x0x1061700[SOGoWebAuthenticator]>  tried wrong 
password for user 
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   constructed root-url: /SOGo/
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo|   setting root-url in context: /SOGo/
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| ROOT baseURL(no container, name=(nil)):
   own: /SOGo/
Sep 07 18:21:46 sogod [28311]: |SOGo| request took 0.008003 seconds to execute
Ubuntu-1104-natty-64-minimal - - [07/Sep/2011:18:21:46 GMT] "GET /SOGo/coeustecsup 
HTTP/1.1" 200 3555/0 0.009 10810 67% 0

thanks and regards


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