
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/master[15405]: about to exec
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: executed
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: telling master 2
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/master[13551]: service sieve pid 15405 in
READY state: now unavailable and in BUSY state
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/master[13551]: service sieve now has 0 ready
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: accepted connection
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: telling master 3
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/master[13551]: service sieve pid 15405 in
BUSY state: now serving connection
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/master[13551]: service sieve now has 0 ready
Oct 13 22:03:00 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: login: localhost[]
gerhard PLAIN User logged in
Oct 13 22:03:01 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: entered bc_action_emit with
filelen: 16
Oct 13 22:03:01 sogo cyrus/sieve[15405]: entered bc_action_emit with
filelen: 364
Oct 13 22:03:01 sogo cyrus/master[13551]: service sieve now has 0 ready
Oct 13 22:05:34 sogo cyrus/lmtpunix[15464]: WARNING: sieve script
/var/spool/sieve/g/gerhard/defaultbc doesn't exist: No such file or

sogo set a vacation message in global !

root@sogo:/var/spool/sieve/global# ls -latr
insgesamt 16
drwxr-xr-x 29 cyrus mail 4096 13. Okt 22:01 ..
-rw-r-----  1 cyrus mail  434 13. Okt 22:03 sogo.script
-rw-------  1 cyrus mail  452 13. Okt 22:03 sogo.bc
lrwxrwxrwx  1 cyrus mail    7 13. Okt 22:03 defaultbc -> sogo.bc
drwxr-x---  2 cyrus mail 4096 13. Okt 22:03 .

any idea how to solve this ?

-- gerhard

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