for this problem i'm using a patch to build gnustep-make:

Fabrice Durand

2011/10/14 Stephan Lauffer <lauf...@ph-freiburg.de>

> Hi all!
> I am new to GNUstep, SOGo and after a short test of your nice ubuntu vmware
> image I am now on packaging rpms of 2.0.0b1 for sles (openSUSE) for further
> tests in our environment.
> Therefore I use the Open Build Service build.opensuse.org (btw: I found
> other SOGo packages there).
> The OBS offers smart checks and one broke my build, the so called
> "file-contains-buildroot" check. This is a serious warning and says
> (expecting /var/tmp/build would be the build root):
>   strings ./usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/[...]**libSOGo.so.2.0.0 | grep /var/tmp
>   /var/tmp/build//usr/lib/**GNUstep/SOGo
> In my test the "/var/tmp/build/" is not part of libSOGo.so.2.0.0 after the
> build. It just become part of it during the make install.
> Right now I am searching for the reasong/place where this get done in the
> gnustep make procedure.
> I would be very happy if somehow of you could give me hints. Like I said, I
> am new to this whole GNUstep world... (:
> If you have access to obs you could take a look to my complete buildlog
> https://build.opensuse.org/**package/rawlog?arch=x86_64&**
> package=SOGo&project=home%**3Anixda&repository=SLE_11_SP1<https://build.opensuse.org/package/rawlog?arch=x86_64&package=SOGo&project=home%3Anixda&repository=SLE_11_SP1>
> (Thanks to OBS fellows to nail down this problem above)
> --
> Freundliche Gruesse,
> Stephan Lauffer
> [ University of Education Freiburg - Germany ]
> [ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik/             ]
> [ Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486           ]

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