Title: Signature Matthieu ROGER

I've got several customers on several servers using iPhone and Sogo (CardDav/CalDav) succesfully with Sogo version 1.9
But, with one specific customer, I get this issue : If I only configure CalDav calendar, everything is fine, synchro beetween Sogo and iPhone work like a charm.
But when I add CardDav Addressbook, iPhone freezes on addressbook, I have to restart or reset iPhone. If I access first to the Calendar, I've got troubles with Addressbook and vice versa, if I access first to the Addressbook, synchronization between Sogo and iPhone is broken.
On another hand, Sogo works perfectly using webinterface or sogo-connector in Thuberbird.

So, I would like to know if other Sogo users have seen same issue than describe above and if the problem comes from a wrong Sogo server installation/configuration or a wrong iPhone configuration?

Thank you!



Matthieu ROGER

23 rue de la Fraternité - 95460 Ezanville - France
Tél. : +33 (1) 30 11 81 50 - Fax : +33 (1) 30 11 81 49


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