On Friday, November 4, 2011 13:25 CET, Laurent LINTANFF 
<laurent.linta...@cimlec.fr> wrote: 
> hello,
> after upgrade nothing working so like i can read in others post i 
> uninstall/delete all sogo/sope and references gnustep and reinstall all.
> all installation work fine but :
> i have a bug on generating my gnustepdefault file.
> when i execute this command :
> defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({CNFieldName=cn; 
> IDFieldName=sAMAccountName; UIDFieldName=sAMAccountName; 
> bindFields=(sAMAccountName,mail); baseDN="dc=test,dc=fr"; 
> bindDN="s...@test.fr"; bindPassword=pwd; canAuthenticate=YES; 
> displayName="public"; hostname="ldap.test.fr"; id=directory; 
> filter="(mail='*')"; isAddressBook=YES; port=389})'

Maybe you need a ; after port=389


> i have this error :
> 2011-11-04 10:24:15.117 defaults[4529] File NSPropertyList.m: 1012. In 
> parsePlItem Missing semicolon in dictionary at line 1 char 318
> any ideas ?
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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