I've spent a few hours this afternoon trying to work out how the LDAP attributes map to the fields displayed in the properties of the SOGo shared address books.

Take, for example, the Web Page field in the Work section of the Address tab in the SOGo address book. If I fill this in the personal address book and export it, the LDIF uses the schema mozillaAbPersonObsolete with the attribute workurl. In my LDAP DIT I have the schema mozillaAbPersonAlpha defined with the attribute mozillaWorkUrl populated.

As the work URL was not displaying, I located and loaded the mozillaAbPersonObsolete schema and updated the attribute to workurl. However, this was also unsuccessful at displaying the value for the attribute in the SOGo contact properties page.

Is there a table anywhere that maps the SOGo address book fields to LDAP attributes? This would save me many hours of experimentation.

Thanks in advance,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail: ian.mcmich...@gmail.com
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


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