Hi all, my question:
What does mean the "S" of scalability for your SOGo installation?
or how do you evaluate it?

Thanks all to help me to consider the performance of my installation
Version SOGo 1.3.9 / lightning 105 (Fresh updated)

hardware a bit special (cause of virtualisation : openvz)
virtualiszation          openvz / centos
memory                  6 to 12 Go RAM
processor                dual core@1,7GHz
harddrive                SAS 15KRPM

we just upgrade the contener from 6 to 8 Go RAM,(more if necessary)
same for processor upgrade from 1 to 3 VCPUs
operating system: debian 6 mostly up-to-date

Primary usage:
Nb potentials users: 3000 (students) only through the webmail (http) interface
Secundary usage: (cause it really works fine)
~50 of 150 potentials sogo-connectors with thunderbird
~20 iPhone to synchronise agenda https://domain/users/dav/:443

mail server: cyrus imap
authentification: openldap

How could I measure/check some point level of scalabity?
Is there any way, maybe already integrated tool?
number of sogoworkers considering availability of RAM (6-8-10 Go)
postgresql input output

I'm a bit in the fog! cause we reach since Setpember an unknowned maximum of users this year (+10%)
and even we try to anticipate the needs... it "seems" to be not enough.

If you consider there is a much better way to collect this sort of information to help me and the community of sogo users
please fill free to purpose!


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