Is this available for Thunderbird, too?

On 24.11.2011 10:31, Julian Robbins wrote:
> On 24/11/11 08:26, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have two users (a couple) who want to use the same calendar, I am
>> using now the personal calendar of one of them for that.
>> What I would like to do is to remove the personal calendar of the other
>> person, but that's not possible. Then I've tried to make the others
>> person calendar the default calendar in the webinterface, but that seems
>> to be impossible too.
>> Do you know a way to change the default calendar in the webinterface?
> In 1.3.9, there is a means to set the default calendar. In Preferences,
> Calendar Options, Default Calendar. You get a dropdown with options for
> 'Personal calendar', 'Selected Calendar' & 'First Enabled calendar'
> I think this pref only appeared in 1.3.9. If its not sowing up for you
> and you have 1.3.9 installed, make sure you clear your browser cache.
> Hope this helps
> Julian
>> With regards,
>> Paul van der Vlis.

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