Le 14/12/2011 16:21, Julian Robbins a écrit :
On 14/12/11 15:16, Alessio Fattorini wrote:
Il 14/12/2011 16:07, Alessio Fattorini ha scritto:
Hi people,
how can i disable cache mode for lightining?
If i have a calendar with thousands of events thunderbird takes a lot of
time for fetch all events and it freezes!
How can i disable this? Or can i cache only last events? (from 1 month
to now)

I see this bug, and it' my problem.

I have imported from horde my events.
I have 5 calendars with 6.000 events for every calendar.
If i install Thunderbird + addon (1.3.9) Thunderbird is blocked for a long long time, it's unusable. Pc blocked with Cpu and Ram to 100% fixed

Yes, I've seen this frequently too ... But for me its only when bring down new calendars. Still it takes about 5 mins before Thunderbird is available again, after reading apaprox 1.5MB sqllite file which seems quite slow

I'm in 3.108 and if you edit preference "<calendar id>.cache.enabled", you can define, for each calendar, if it is cached or not. But there's no possibility for "windowed cache".
For older version (cf attachement), this value was forced.

Fabrice Peraud
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To see if it resolves some problems, I've commented the line "directory.setProperty("cache.enabled", true);" in the chrome/content/calendar/folder-handler.js of the connector module. It's working. First, I tried to disable all calendars cache, but I saw that SOGo connector module forces the property "<calendar id>.cache.enabled" Could you explain why the cache is forced and wich problems I can encounter with my modification ?


Fabrice Peraud


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