I've just got SOGO up and running and I can send emails just fine but I cannot 
receive them.  It appears to be due to my return email address.

My server name is mail.rvscapes.com and the email return address for my sent 
item is pmec...@mail.rvscapes.com which I believe is causing the problem 
because my mail record would only respond to the email address 

I'm not sure where SOGO, or even if SOGO is the program, that's formulating 
this return address.  I'm using SOGO 2.X and SMTP as the mail sender.  I'm also 
using Cyrus IMPAD for LDAP and PostGres.

My .LDIF file is:
dn: uid=pmecham,ou=users,dc=rvscapes,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
uid: pmecham
cn: Paul Mecham
mail: pmecham
sn: Mecham
givenName: Paul

And I can't seem to change the mail: attribute to pmec...@rvscapes.com because 
then SOGO will not login into the imap server.

Any help would be appreciated.  I'm trying to find the answers and apologize if 
these messages are annoying anyone.  I'm still so new to this stuff.  Is there 
other documentation for SOSO besides the SOGo Installation Guide.odt file?


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