Am 18.01.2012 05:45, schrieb Francisco Adote AKUESON.:
Hi sogo users and contributors,

As you know,

   1. *The Funambol SOGo Connector allows any SyncML enabled devices
      to fully synchronize contacts, events and tasks with SOGo. The
      connector is fast and reliable. It features :*

        * Two-way synchronization support
        * Contacts, events and tasks support
        * vCalendar / vCard with version downgrade support
        * Full SIF support

   2. *The Z-Push is an open source ActiveSync implementation. It
      supports push email, and synchronization of contacts, calendar,
      and tasks. It features : *

        * ActiveSync Push Email, Contact, Calendar and Task

        * Already tested on Zimbra groupware with:
              o Windows Mobile 6.5
              o Samsung Galaxy S - android 2.2.1 & 2.3.3, 2.3.4 and
                2.3.5 (No native task sync)
              o Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch - iOS4 & iOS5
              o - Task sync with iOS5 Reminders (no iOS4 native Task sync)
              o Nokia E71 (MailForExchange 3.00.50 & 3.00.73)

        * Already tested on Zarafa:
              o please, check document added, Zarafa Mobile compatibility


    *And then, this morning i would like to suggest, according to
    these interesting features we can have using Z-Push on our SOGo
    solutions, to write code for a backend for Z-Push to work with
    SOGo for email, contacts, agenda and notes and to move a little by
    little from Funambol to Z-Push?


Really, using Z-Push, I think that It will permit to us, SOGo users to have a strong and efficient groupware. So, please, everybody, compare in your side, advantages we will have to use *Z-Push* instead of Funambol and we will discuss together about them.

I don't see why we should drop SyncML support, it's working after all and a OPEN standard... The Problem with Activesync stuff is always the potential license question, what if MS will start claim license violations by Z-Push (Justified or not does not matter) ?

There already exists a sogo backend for Z-Push, a few posts ago is a link for download.
I will try to make it better available, so we can work on improving it.

The one big advantage I see of ActiveSync is, that you have only one setup to do for Email,Calendar,Contacts and Tasks and all traffic flows via HTTP(S)

There are several disadvantages of ActiveSync compared to native Cardav/Caldav support:
- Only ONE Calendar, Contacts and Tasks can be synched
- Only one ActiveSync account is possible
- Mail handling is very limited



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