I am using MySQL based authentication and my setup works fine if all
domains are using the same IMAP/MySQL server. When I add a new
IMAP/MySQL combo to my setup, authentication to the new domain does
not work from SOGo web UI. The old domains work fine. All I get in the
SOGo log is:

Feb 02 12:49:56 sogod [28918]: SOGoRootPage Login for user
'pe...@newdomain.tld' might not have worked - password policy: 65535
grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0
localhost - - [02/Feb/2012:12:49:56 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1"
403 34/74 0.062 - - 3M

I do not see any marks of a connection attempt in the new IMAP
server's (Dovecot) log.

How to debug this further?

In GNUstepDefaults config for the domain that works (old server looks)
likes this:


And the new domain that does not work:


Both MySQL setups have the correct views created and I can connect to
both MySQL servers from the sogo server just fine.


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