Ludovic Marcotte <lmarcotte@...> writes:

> On 07/11/11 07:46, Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:
> > SOGo beta2 installed on Debian Squeeze, replacing SOGo 1.3.9, with ldap
> > backend.
> > But we cannot connect with Outlook 2007. The last log lines of samba.log
> > are these one below:
> >
> > 2011-11-07 13:20:26.995 samba[13233] METHOD '+[MAPIStoreContext
> > openContext:withURI:connectionInfo:andTDBIndexing:]' (148) -- uri:
> > 'demo@...:xxxxx <at> inbox/'
> > 2011-11-07 13:20:26.997 samba[13233] ERROR: url could not be parsed
> >
> > Then samba stops listening on port 135, and Outlook cannot connect
> > anymore.
> >
> > Any idea of what went wrong ?
> It's probably a bug in the code with usernames formatted like 
> username@...
> We will investigate this later.

i have the same problem with beta 4 ... debian squeeze too 

the last line is :
2012-02-02 18:05:42.317 samba[4742] METHOD '+[MAPIStoreContext
openContext:withURI:connectionInfo:andTDBIndexing:]' (155) -- uri:

and samba process is killed after that


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