Here is a script I wrote for syncing the shadow file to SOGo's SQL database.
I have it run in cron every minute, and redirect its output to a log file with the correct permissions. This is using SOGo's crypt password storage option (undocumented last time I checked).

The variables at the top are fairly self-explanatory.
The MIN_UID constant defines what the minimum uid in /etc/passwd to sync above is. The excluded users array allows you to specify certain users in /etc/passwd not to sync.

Now for my brief disclaimer :

I haven't scrutinized this script much for security, I take no responsibility for any side effects, and it comes with no warranty.

Maybe it will help.

define ('SOGO_DBHOST', 'localhost');
define ('SOGO_DBUSER', 'sogouser');
define ('SOGO_DBPASS', '12345');
define ('SOGO_DBNAME', 'sogo');

define ('DOMAIN', '');
define ('SHADOW_FILE', '/etc/shadow');
define ('PASSWD_FILE', '/etc/passwd');
define ('MIN_UID', '1000');

$excluded_users = array ();
$excluded_users[] = 'webadmin';
$excluded_users[] = 'scanner';
$excluded_users[] = 'temp';
$excluded_users[] = 'sogo';

$sogo_rows = array ();

$fc = file(PASSWD_FILE);

if (!($fc)) {
  echo "\n" . 'Could not obtain the contents of : ' . PASSWD_FILE . "\n";

foreach ($fc as $line)
  $line = rtrim($line);
  $line_slices = explode(':',$line);

  $username = $line_slices[0];

  if (in_array($username,$excluded_users)) {

  $uid = $line_slices[2];

  if ($uid < MIN_UID) {

  $comment = $line_slices[4];

  if (empty($comment)) {
    $comment = $username;

  $email = $username . '@' . DOMAIN;

$sogo_rows[$username] = array('uid' => $uid, 'comment' => $comment, 'email' => $email);

$fc = file(SHADOW_FILE);

if (!($fc)) {
  echo "\n" . 'Could not obtain the contents of : ' . SHADOW_FILE . "\n";

foreach ($fc as $line)
  $line = rtrim($line);
  $line_slices = explode(':',$line);

  $username = $line_slices[0];

  if (!array_key_exists($username,$sogo_rows)) {

  $sogo_rows[$username]['hash'] = $line_slices[1];

if (sizeof($sogo_rows) == 0) {
  echo "\n" . 'No valid users to add were found.' . "\n";

$sogo_dbcon = mysql_connect(SOGO_DBHOST,SOGO_DBUSER,SOGO_DBPASS,TRUE);

if (!($sogo_dbcon)) {
  die('Error connecting to mysql: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db(SOGO_DBNAME, $sogo_dbcon) or die('Error: Could not select database ' . $sogo_dbname);

foreach ($sogo_rows as $username => $user_attrs) {
  $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username);

  $query = "SELECT c_password,c_cn FROM sogo_view WHERE c_uid='$username'";
  $result = mysql_query($query,$sogo_dbcon);

  $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

  if ($num_rows == 0) {
    $user_attrs = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $user_attrs);

$query = "INSERT into sogo_view (c_uid,c_name,c_password,c_cn,mail) VALUES ('$username','$username','$user_attrs[hash]','$user_attrs[comment]','$user_attrs[email]')";
    $result = mysql_query($query,$sogo_dbcon);

    if (!($result)) {
echo "\n" . 'Failed adding user : ' . $username . ' to sogo_view table.' . "\n";

echo "\n" . 'Added user : ' . $username . ' to sogo_view table.' . "\n";
  else {
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    $query_str = '';

    if ($user_attrs['hash'] != $row['c_password']) {
      $user_attrs['hash'] = mysql_real_escape_string($user_attrs['hash']);

      $query_str .= "c_password='$user_attrs[hash]',";

    if ($user_attrs['comment'] != $row['c_cn']) {
$user_attrs['comment'] = mysql_real_escape_string($user_attrs['comment']);

      $query_str .= "c_cn='$user_attrs[comment]',";

    if (!empty($query_str)) {
      $query_str = rtrim($query_str,',');

$query_str = 'UPDATE sogo_view set ' . $query_str . " WHERE c_uid='$username'";
      $result = mysql_query($query_str,$sogo_dbcon);

      if (!($result)) {
echo "\n" . 'Failed updating data for : ' . $username . ' in sogo_view table.' . "\n";

echo "\n" . 'Updated data for : ' . $username . ' in sogo_view table.' . "\n";

//Disabled reloading of memcached for now, instead the "SOGoCacheCleanupInterval" setting has been lowered
      //from the default of 300 seconds to 30
      //$result = system('/etc/init.d/memcached reload');

      //echo "\n" . $result . "\n";


On 02/18/2012 02:54 AM, Daniel Erlacher wrote:

I am running a ISPconfig installation and ideally it would
be possible to sync the usernames and passwords from /etc/shadow
with the mysql authentification that i am using for sogo.

is there any chance that this is developed? it would be highly appreciated.

there was a discussion on this list already, in 2010:

ISPconfig uses basically crypt-md5 with salt, which is the same that
debian uses in /etc/shadow or passwd.


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