I have checked some other user accounts for this proxy error.
So it seems to be an individual problem for my account. This leads to the
conclusion that the cause could be the manually migration of sieve rules
from roundcube to sogo.
As sogo saves its sieve rules in a huge array in the database as part of the
user profile, I converted existing rules to the database representation.
I inserted the new rules and as intended they are correctly loaded into sogo
webinterface. After that I had a look at the generated sogo.sieve file on
which managesieve determines its rule application. As this file seems to be
left in old state, I wanted to force sogo to generate a new sogo.sieve file
from database using the save preferences mechanism.
Unfortunately while saving I got the proxy error the first time. So I
restored the old database entries for my profile in order to get rid of this
problem, but nothing new... the proxy error occurs whenever I want to save
my settings although I restored the original settings.

Any new ideas how to get rid of the proxy error?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Martin Rabl [mailto:martin.r...@rablnet.de] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. März 2012 08:44
An: users@sogo.nu
Betreff: Re: [SOGo] Proxy Error while saving preferences

Am 14.03.12 08:20, schrieb m_bru...@cs.uni-kl.de:
> b.2012-03-14 08:11:58.028 sogod[25740] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
> bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:
This can be ignored.



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