On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Darko Hojnik <hoj...@virtualizing.org> wrote:
> Hi there
> Today I've fresh installed SOGo on FreeBSD. But i cant log me in with
> LDAP enabeled.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//GNUstep//DTD plist 0.9//EN"
> "http://www.gnustep.org/plist-0_9.xml";>
> <plist version="0.9">
> <dict>
>    <key>NSGlobalDomain</key>
>    <dict>
>    </dict>
>    <key>sogod</key>
>    <dict>
>        <key>OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:freebsd@</string>
>        <key>OCSFolderInfoURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:freebsd@</string>
>        <key>OCSSessionsFolderURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:freebsd@</string>
>        <key>SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications</key>
>        <string>YES</string>
>        <key>SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications</key>
>        <string>YES</string>
>        <key>SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles</key>
>        <array>
>            <string>PublicViewer</string>
>            <string>ConfidentialDAndTViewer</string>
>        </array>
>        <key>SOGoEnableEMailAlarms</key>
>        <string>YES</string>
>        <key>SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications</key>
>        <string>YES</string>
>        <key>SOGoIMAPServer</key>
>        <string></string>
>        <key>SOGoLanguage</key>
>        <string>German</string>
>        <key>SOGoMailDomain</key>
>        <string>hell.localdomain</string>
>        <key>SOGoMailingMechanism</key>
>        <string>smtp</string>
>        <key>SOGoMemcachedHost</key>
>        <string>=</string>
>        <key>SOGoProfileURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:freebsd@</string>
>        <key>SOGoSMTPServer</key>
>        <string></string>
>        <key>SOGoTimeZone</key>
>        <string>Europe/Berlin</string>
>        <key>SOGoUserSources</key>
>        <array>
>            <dict>
>                <key>CNFieldName</key>
>                <string>cn</string>
>                <key>IDFieldName</key>
>                <string>uid</string>
>                <key>UIDFieldName</key>
>                <string>uid</string>
>                <key>baseDN</key>
>                <string>ou=people,dc=hell</string>
>                <key>bindDN</key>
>                <string>cn=manager,dc=hell</string>
>                <key>bindPassword</key>
>                <string>freebsd</string>
>                <key>canAuthenticate</key>
>                <string>YES</string>
>                <key>displayName</key>
>                <string>ldap</string>
>                <key>hostname</key>
>                <string>localhost</string>
>                <key>id</key>
>                <string>ldap</string>
>                <key>port</key>
>                <string>389</string>
>            </dict>
>        </array>
>    </dict>
> </dict>
> </plist>
> ~
> On my Log
> 2012-03-26 20:07:52.653 sogod[4104] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is
> on.
> 2012-03-26 20:07:52.653 sogod[4104] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.
> Mar 26 20:07:52 sogod [4104]: SOGoRootPage Login for user
> 'test@hell.localdomain' might not have worked - password policy: 65535
> grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0
> - - [26/Mar/2012:20:07:52 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1"
> 403 34/76 0.512 - - -
> The Data to LDAP and PostgreSQL are correct. Binding with LDAP
> commandline-tools was successfully possible.
> Mailsystem ist Postfix, Postgrey, Cyrus and GOSa as an Webfrontend + a
> SAMBA PDC there are proper working.
> Anybody haves an Idea to fix it?

The uid you are trying to login with (test@hell.localdomain) looks
unusual to me. Are you sure that is the uid in your directory?


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