
When i make a public share same problem.

Sogo see the user of the other domain but nothing as calendar.

I thing this is the same that chen a try ti create a share. He search the user 
in the domain0 not in the domain 2.

All domain in one domain Sogo...

I don't understand Well...

On my login page i choose domain1 or somain2 to logon... in your configuration 
how he choose the goog LDAP/Source ?


 De : André Schild <an...@schild.ws>
À : users@sogo.nu 
Envoyé le : Jeudi 29 mars 2012 19h07
Objet : Re: [SOGo] Multi domain: Share Calendar
Am 29.03.2012 18:56, schrieb Vincent Gatignol:
> Le 29/03/2012 14:21, André Schild a écrit :
>> Not sure if intra-domain sharing is allowed at all....
> What about a public share between two domains hosted on the same server ?
> Is that ok for you ?
As far as I understand the separation model of sogo it works the following way:


- Each "Sogo" Domain (As defined on Page 11/13 of the pdf) is completely 
- So you can't share things between them
- But you can have multiple "DNS domains" inside a single "Sogo" Domain.
  These can then share stuff between each other.

You just have to specify 2 SOGoUserSources in a single domain
Here a small example, where users from domain1.com and domain2.com will be in 
the same SOGo domain
and can share stuff between each others.

            shareddomain.com = {
                SOGoMailDomain = domain1.com;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                        baseDN = "jvd=domain1.com,o=mailhosting";
                        baseDN = "jvd=domain2.com,o=mailhosting";

-- users@sogo.nu

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