Op 31-03-12 01:54, perLinux.it schreef:
> I need a bit of help cause i'm stocked.
> Here is what i did.
> 1. I installed SOGO on my test server
> Everything works fine. I'm able to check emails use calendars etc ...
> Now i need to connect thunderbird on my work computer with SOGO on my
> server.
> I downloaded these 2 extensions and modified them with the right settings.
> I installed these 2 extensions but I can't understand what they are
> supposed to do exactly.

There are 3 extentions. One is for the calendars, one is for the
addressbooks, and one is for management-tasks.

The last one is for when you have to manage many computers in a local
network so far I know. You don't need that I expect.

> I see a sync button on calendars and tasks, i see you can invite people
> when you make tasts, ...
> I would love to share calendars between server (Debian) and my work
> laptop (Opensuse).
> If i get the ics url of the calendar from SOGO and i try to add it to my
> TB+Light that doesnt work. I can see calendar changes i made from SOGO
> but i cant change or add anythingf to that calendar from Thunderbird.

Url's for Thunderbird, something like:
adressbook: https://your.server/SOGo/dav/paul/Contacts/personal/ 
calendar:   https://your.server/SOGo/dav/paul/Calendar/personal/

> And also I had to change the username of my 1st TB account to the one of
> SOGO and that is not good.

You can also change the password in Sogo.

Maybe you like the howto I wrote:

With regards,

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen


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