Hi Roberto

On 2012-03-07, at 6:25 PM, Roberto wrote:

> For the first time, I'm trying to delete duplicates for a user, but I get the 
> following message:
> sogo@donfierro:~$ /usr/sbin/sogo-tool remove-doubles mperez@mydomain personal
> <0x0x170f420[GCSFolder]> -[GCSFolder 
> fetchFields:fetchSpecification:ignoreDeleted:]: cannot execute quick-fetch 
> b.c_name,a.c_givenname,a.c_cn,a.c_sn,a.c_screenname,a.c_l,a.c_mail,a.c_o,a.c_ou,b.c_telephoneNumber,b.c_content,b.c_version,b.c_creationdate,b.c_lastmodified
>  FROM sogomperezid00179ea8c6b_quick a, sogomperezid00179ea8c6b b WHERE 
> (c_component = 'vcard') AND a.c_name = b.c_name AND (c_deleted != 1 OR 
> c_deleted IS NULL)': <MySQL4Exception: 0x1724130> NAME:ExecutionFailed 
> REASON:La columna 'b.c_telephoneNumber' en field list es desconocida
> Unable to fetch required fields from folder.
> I translate the REASON: Field 'b.c_telephoneNumer' in field list is unknown.
> Any idea about what I don't have the expected table structure?

It was a bug. The character case was inconsistent. I just fixed it in revision 



flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
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